Armenia is a country of old legends and Biblical stories. It is said that on his descent from Ararat Mountain, Noah first stepped onto this land and, perhaps because of his blessings, Armenia preserved her own independent culture and her people endured every sacrifice.
When you take a trip to Armenia, arrive in Armenia and land in Zvartnots International Airport, the Ararat Mountain first welcomes you and accompanies you during your entire stay in Yerevan.
And when you are looking at Ararat you can feel how old and it is but how young it appears when its snow top glitters under the rising sun! Ararat makes you serious and thoughtful, young and enthusiastic.
Mount Ararat, which was historically part of Armenia, is the highest pinnacle in the region. Now located in Turkey, but clearly visible in Armenia, it is regarded by the Armenians as a symbol of their land. Because of this, the mountain is present on the Armenian national emblem today.
All tour packages in Armenia provided by LEVON TRAVEL contain a visit to Khor Virap Monastery where the amazing view of Ararat makes an unforgettable impression!

Zorats Kar or Karahunge (Power Stone) believed to be an ancient observatory quite similar to Stonehenge in England. The columns sit like soldiers on a hill, huddled information.
The 204 stones near Sisian have been ascribed with mystical, fertility and cosmic powers, but rarely have ancient monuments caused such a sensation in astronomical circles.
These simple stones stretched out along the crest of a hill overlooking the Sisian River challenge the very dating of early astronomy and the answer to the question, “Who were the first astronomers?”
If proven true, a current controversial dating of the stones at Sisian predate England’s Stonehenge, they predate the Babylonian’s claim to being the first astronomers, and they confirm what some people already suspect: that Armenia is the birthplace of the zodiac, and perhaps the beginning of navigation and the concept of time.
Scholars can’t agree on their age, or purpose, or function. Some say they are at least 7000 years old and have served as an observatory. Others believe it was a pagan temple. So, when your visit to England is over, take tour packages in Armenia with us to have a chance to compare these two monuments!


The name of the Geghard Monastery refers to the Biblical lance used by a Roman soldier to pierce Christ’s body to find out if he was alive or not. Geghard was initially known simply as Ayrivank (Cave Monastery). Geghard means “lance” (spear) in Armenian.
This historical lance was kept in Geghard for a long time before being moved to the museum of Echmiadzin Cathedral (Holy See of Armenia). When visiting Holy See please don’t forget to take a breath when entering the museum, and the history will lead you 2000 years back…

The delicious fruit was known in Armenia during ancient times and has been cultivated there for so long it is often thought to be native there.
Its scientific name is Prunus Armeniaca (Armenian plum) or Armeniaca Vulgaris which derives from that assumption. For example, De Poerderlé, writing in the 18th century, asserted “Cet Arbre tire son nom de l’Arménie, province d’Asie, d’où il est originaire et d’où il fut porté en Europe …”
(“This tree takes its name from Armenia, province of Asia, where it is native, and whence it was brought to Europe …”). An archaeological excavation at Garni Pagan Temple in Armenia found apricot seeds in an Eneolithic-era site. Come and enjoy the yummy fresh apricot or the dried one!
Take tour packages in Armenia in Late April or Early May. This is the best time to the miracle of blossoming apricot trees.

Well, here is the main attraction of Armenia – Armenians! You will get surprised why these people around, whom you have never seen before, are smiling you and inviting to share the lunch or a cup of coffee with you.
These are the Armenians with the HUGE hearts that are so friendly and welcoming of visitors that they open their homes to you. But their hearts are open because the sense of hospitality is coming from the bottom of their hearts and centuries.
The first foreigner to enjoy this overwhelming generosity was the Greek General Xenophon, who led his 10,000-man army across Armenian in 400 BC. He left us an enlightening description of the land and its people than under the rule of the Persian Achamenids Dynasty.
According to Xenophon, Armenians lived in underground houses and use ladders for entry and exit. Xenophon also reported that those ground-swelling Armenians provided so much food to their Greek guests that the tables moaned under the weight. And the last one, actually tourism in Armenia means first of all Armenian hospitality!

Armenia is home to some of the finest recipes of meals you’ll ever find. For example, the peculiarity of Armenian barbecue is in the preparatory marinating.
The marinated meat is put on skewers – shampours and roasted over hot coals with no flame.
Eating of the other national meal – khash is a real ceremony for Armenians, it starts early in the morning and what is really interesting, no toasts must be made during eating khash.
Here is a list of some dishes: kebab, tolma (vegetable, grape leaves and lentil), piti, spas soup, ghapama, ghavourma, harisa, lahmaju, tabule and houmous salads, Iskhan, Siga and other fish dishes, bastourma and soujoukh sausages, lavash, khashlama, Kars Barbecue , kyufta and so on.
The staffs of the finest restaurants in the city and regions are waiting to satisfy your appetite and interest in this area. Our tour packages in Armenia pay a special attention to Armenian national cuisine. So, come and diverse your gastronomical taste. All Armenian food is organic, so do not panic!
Khachkars or Cross Stones are the unique manifestation of Christian Armenian national art which in its Christian form and type has no other equivalent in the world.
Khachkars constitute an integral dimension of Armenian sculptural art; with their high artistic standards and strong national character, they also occupy their worthy position in the treasury of international art.
Khachkars are also an expression of the Christian faith and high esthetics taste of the Armenian nation, that was first to officially adopt the Christian faith in the year 301 AD.
While spreading Christianity in Armenia, St. Gregory the Illuminator used to put wooden crosses in the places of pagan shrines as well as where Christian Churches were to be built.
As the wooden crosses could be destroyed easily, the stone crosses replaced them later. Initially, khachkars were carved on vertical stone stabs. Later cross stones attained such perfection that they ceased to be mere religious symbols becoming unique pieces of art.
Khachkars cannot be counted in total but we know more than 100,000 were carved, each one being a unique work of art. Recently in the deep respect and commemoration of the Khachkar by the International community, a Khachkar was placed at the front entrance of the Main Hall of the United Nations in New York.

Winemaking is part of the Armenian culture. Armenian brandy and various wines are of the highest quality.
They made of the famous Armenian grapes first brought to Ararat Valley, as the legend says, by Noah on his descent after World flood.
The generous sun of the Ararat Valley, the fertile land and good quality water give the Armenian brandy its gold color and extraordinary taste.
Winston Churchill, the ex-prime minister of the United Kingdom, preferred Armenian brandy Dvin to other alcoholic drinks.
Dvin is unusually light due to its complex bouquet of vanilla tones, harmonious aroma of woody flavors with a strong hint of vanilla, suggestions of dried fruits and hazelnuts, and its fruity-caramel taste.
When a journalist asked the ex-PM about the reason of his longevity, Sir Winston Churchill answered: “Never be late for dinner, smoke Havana cigars and drink Armenian cognac”.
LEVON TRAVEL’s tour packages in Armenia provide a unique visit to Brandy Factories in Yerevan where you can touch the story and taste these unique brandies and wines.

This last one is a secret surprise! You will see it once come to Armenia! Take the chance!
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